CASE STUDY – SPL admin 14 בOctober 2024


The Client’s Offering:

SPL is an American logistics company that provides shipping services. It works with the largest shipping companies, enabling it to offer the most competitive prices. Customers often save between 20% and 40% on shipping costs. The company is based in Israel and currently focuses on business development with clients from the U.S.

Target Audience:

Country: USA

Industry: Small manufacturing companies/product shipping (mainly retail)

Roles: Anyone involved in logistics and supply chain within the company

Challenges in Activities:

Email marketing campaign that failed to generate the desired results.

Attempted multiple strategies: email blocking, A/B testing, etc.

Lack of a clear, deep targeting strategy.

Note: The client is aware that email marketing does not yield immediate results. However, LinkedIn marketing (using both direct messages and emails) is relatively new to them.

Tests and Solutions:

After consulting with a salesperson (Alon) and strategist (Eleanor), we concluded that we were struggling to boost our email campaigns but were starting to see initial success on LinkedIn, which required more time. We decided to end the email marketing campaign and reallocate the remaining days to a more successful campaign on LinkedIn, where we began to see more engagement.


Not every client will benefit from a combined LinkedIn and email strategy, especially when dealing with international audiences/messages. 

What needs to be done in such cases:

  1. Start with a single platform.
  2. Make quick and consistent adjustments to the client’s profile.
  3. The client stayed with us because, although they did not see immediate results, they observed that the entire team was highly dedicated to the campaign’s success. This means giving them a sense of behind-the-scenes work and strategic thinking about the campaign, which makes the difference, not just the results.

In the client’s words, they had previously worked with another company in the field without seeing results and felt there was no effort from the company’s side in the campaign, which led them to stop working with them. They told us that they see we are putting in a lot of effort and trying, and that’s what makes the difference for them.

Of course, it is important to reflect every change, success, and even the smallest detail in the campaign.


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